Dispersals / Bred Cows / Bred Hfrs
Saturday, November 16, 2024   12:00 Noon

Consignments: Preg & info sheet now online

  • *Habib Bred Heifers
    10 ShorthornX and 12 CharXSimm Heifers, 2 Heiferettes
           Bred light BW Red Angus & Salers to start later March (70 day exposure)
          Video of Heifers
  • *B.Gill Bred Heifers
    18 Black Angus & BBF (1 Hereford) heifers some heifers from Bell Angus
           bred Angus/Lowline to start late February (60-70lb calves expected)
          Video of Heifers
  • *F.Gill Bred Heifers
    14 Blk/BBF heifers bred Hereford to start calving April 1
  • *Baumgartner Dispersal
    55 Tan / Silver / Red / Black Home Raised Heifers
          Bred Black or Red Angus to start calving late February
           Slide Show of Hfr Pictures
         *206 Tan / Silver / Red / Black cows from 2nd calvers and up
          Bred Charolais or Simmental to start calving early March
          Slide Show of Cow Pictures
           --They will all have Virashield and Ivomec & Hfrs 1st ScourGuard shot
  • *Blackies Oil Estate Dispersal
    20 BBF & Here hefiers bred Hereford to start calving earlier March
          12 BBF & Here mid-aged cows bred Hereford to start earlier March
          Slide Show of Hfrs/Cows         Video   
  • *Mulholland Dispersal
    9 SimmXRed Angus cows
           2 of them are heifers bred Red Angus to start calving in February
           7 are young cows bred Char / Simm / Red Angus to start calving in March
  • *We expect more consignments of bred cows & heifers for this auction - check back

  You can view and bid online for the commercial cattle auctions.
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Contact Mark Shologan at 780-699-5082 for more information or help