Bred Hfrs / Cows / Pairs
Saturday, March 23, 2024 12:00 Noon
Consignments: Preg / Info sheet is now online
- *4 young cow/calf pairs
- *Dean Heifers
*5 Red/RBF heifers bred Red Angus to start April 1
- *JLL Bred Heifers & Cows
*7 Red & Black heifers bred Black Angus to start calving April 1
*5 Red & Black Cows bred Simmental to start cavling April 1
Pic1 Pic2 Pic3
- *85 Head Dispersal
*85 Red/RWF/RBF Cows bred Hereford/RedAngus/Black Angus to start calving April 1
Some of the cows are Belted Glloway crossed
10 of the cows are 2nd calvers, the rest 3rd calvers and up
Slide Show of Pics
- *Beitel Bred Cows
*7 Red/Blk/BBF cows from 2nd calvers and up bred Red or Black Angus for April 1
- *Blake Cows
*3 Red Angus cows bred Char, 1 Red Angus cow bred Red Angus
- *Two Red-Factor (Tan) 2yr old Charolais Bulls
MRC 350K MRC 385K Semen tested yesterday.
- We expect more bred Cows / Hfrs / Pairs to be consigned for this sale 50-100
You can view and bid online for the commercial cattle auctions.
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Contact Mark Shologan at 780-699-5082 for more information or help.